Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.

Today is one of those queer days when I’m feeling strong from within. I can sense strength running through my body. I’m not vindictive anymore, at least not at the moment. I don’t want to escape. I want to relive all the moments I had convinced myself never to get back to. A clear snap with the past is an unlikely situation with me. For erasing it, means destroying a part of me too. Just to get over the past I’m not ready to get over myself. I hold myself much more important.
Escapism is not the end of my story. In fact in my case it was the beginning. From shunning every thing away to embracing it all as a part of me, I have come a long away. Finally I’m at peace with self. I think it’s the “eternal sunshine of the spotless mind” effect.


Rishabh P Nair said...

This is perhaps your first post with which I can connect.. ..Hence,I love this one and somehow this revived a lesson I had learnt ages ago. Kudos :)